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Constrained variable



	subclass: #ConstrainedVariable
	instanceVariableNames: 'name domain'
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''

!ConstrainedVariable class methods!

	"Private - answer the set of events that instances of the
	receiver can trigger."
	^#(#min #max) asSet

from: aMin to: aMax 
	^super new from: aMin to: aMax

!ConstrainedVariable methods!

* y
	| c |
	c := ActTimes x: self y: y.
	^c result "a constrained variable"

+ y
	c := ActAdd x: self y: y.
	^c result   "a constrained variable"
@= y 

	c := ActEquals x: self y: y.
	^c result   " a constrained variable


domain: anObject
	domain := anObject!

	^domain last!

max: aValue 
	domain newMax: aValue.
	self triggerEvent: #max!

	^domain first!

min: aValue
	domain newMin: aValue.
	self triggerEvent: #min!

printOn: aStream 
	aStream nextPutAll: name, ' ',domain printString! !

from: aMin to: aMax 
	domain := Interval from: aMin to: aMax.